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Utensilios de Ceremonia, la mesa guatemalteca.


Cinco x Cinco’s new collection is now been showcased at Design Week México, Inédito 2023.

October 13 - February 11 at Espacio CDMX

This collection is part of Somos LAT a design collaboration

created with the aim of developing relationships between Latin American countries.

The project was born from a coincidence, the strength

of which resulted in a collective formed by nine designers

with a common goal: to find spaces for dissemination

outside the countries normally recognized by the

design community.


Utensile with spreader

The black bean is the food that unites Guatemala.

All Guatemalans eat it, in all regions of the country.


It does not distinguish between economic-social strata. It is a daily delicacy, which, along with corn tortillas, is the main source of local nutrition since pre-Columbian times.

Standing, strained or turned, or added to tamales or stuffed with plantains, they are not missing from the Guatemalan table, daily or ceremonial.

The bean spreader, not a knife-cutter or a deep spoon, is perfect for spreading turned beans on our white, black, red or yellow corn tortillas.

Utensile with 4 teeth

Avocado is, in Guatemala, the ideal companion for soups, broths and other traditional Guatemalan dishes, all three meals.

Avocado, originally from Latin America, is eaten in Guatemala, as Guacamol, mashed with salt and lemon, chopped in broths, or alone with a spoon.

Our avocado utensil, a mix between a spoon and a fork, allows us to remove its pulp with a creamy texture from the peel, whether pureed or whole, to add it to our favorite dish or to a tortilla fresh from the comal.

Edged spoon utensile

To taste the spoon dishes, traditional ceremonial stews, cooked in a clay pot, a fusion of ingredients originating from pre-Columbian Guatemala, mixed with Spanish-Arab products, brought to the New World, such as: Pepián, Jocón, Subanik, Kaq'ik, the Guatemalan stew, etc.

As these are dishes made from broths and sauces, and seasoned with golden seeds, spices, herbs, vegetables and added meats (pork, beef, chicken or chicken), we propose a hybrid spoon-knife utensil to take the broth and be able to cut the vegetables and meats at the same time.

Spoon utensile

To drink clear broths, soups and errands, comforting and hot, an important part of local gastronomy.

Deep and round utensil for drinking bean soup, chicken broth, mountain broths, macuy soup, beef leg broth, corn cream, egg broth, chicken broth, bean broth, among others.

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